A regular Thursday feature of this channel.
I keep telling you people about Art d'Ecco but you don't listen. Only Ones is from his newest LP due out June 24. This is next-level pop coming from a composer who has abandoned all pretense and just puts out what he hears in his head. "Her eyes through candy-coloured glasses/Saccharine molasses..." Well I mean really. Best electric bass sound in all of pop music today.
Impeccably well recorded and produced, Ain't Killed Me Yet is the newest take on the traditional Texas boogie as practiced by the Doors and ZZ Top. It stays true to that one cardinal rule of the genre: keep it under control. If you go past a well-established simmer, you're trying too hard. Adia Victoria has a great voice.
I'm not that familiar with Liam Gallagher (thank you Gala Albo at KSCN) but for a two-chord thing with a single-note bass line, Everything's Electric is pretty compelling stuff. "Tell me what do you love? And would you let it kill you?" Decent production, fun textures in the background.
This week's best cover in a walkaway is The Greyboy Allstars doing the Beatles' Taxman. This is modern sonics meets a 70's fusion everybody-recording-in-the-same-room vibe. Lots of Hammond, 335 without any effects, slightly saturated bass, and completely whacked-out crushed kit. It's just joyous weekend music.